Part 9. Acceptance

Posted by Beth - -

She woke in a haze, her body aching from being thrown around from shuttle to shuttle. In a small holding room in the starport he tossed a white leather bustier and arm bracers to cover her restraint bruises, white scarf for her neck to hide any incisions, and a white lace skirt. Lula was going home to Wild Sands.

He stood in the corner as she dressed. She smiled half out of joy that she was finally going home, half because she knew to put on a good show, as she would finally be out from under his control. Inside her stomach turned out in fear of what Narek would say to her when she returned. Would he even be there when she got back?

Jaern held her tightly by the elbow as he led her into the busy cantina in the little village of Wild Sands. It was Sunday night. Their cantina would be full of people laughing, drinking, dancing and telling stories of their week or maybe their life. She had missed all of her friends, her life before she had decided to carry out on her mission. Why didn’t she just abort the mission…would that have ever been a choice she had?

Whylde met them at the door and she quickly took Lula in her arms and held her tight. She could see the wear and tear in her eyes and the need to break down right there. She whispered softly “You are home now,” to her. Out of her blurry eyes she saw him at the bar. She new he was looking at her and taking another shot from Lola the bartender.

”Lula will have full Shade protection while living with Wild Sands.” He directed Whlyde

“Surely we do not need Shade’s protection, but thanks just the same.” Whylde smiled back.

His lips snarled a smile as polite as his body could make and marched over to Narek. How dare they disregard the best underworld protection money could buy? The women clearly knew nothing in his mind. He was more concerned about his property now and what he had to do to ensure its protection now while out of his grasp.

Jaern walked up to bar and neatly placed a wad of credits onto the bar and shoved it at Narek.

Narek peered at him out of the corner of his eye. He knew Jaern but never trusted him due to his reputation of only being involved in matters that he would gain from. What ever he needed, Narek knew that the money involved him and something with Lula. Where had he stashed her all this time, the dark circles around her swollen eyes showed him that she hadn’t been so much as abused as just worn down. It wasn’t his concern anyways. She had chosen to betray him and he had put his wall up against her.

“I know you have the case,” Narek said with displeasure as he moved the money back to Jaern.

“I’m not here to talk about that,” he snarled impatiently. “An arrangement needs to be made not to harm Lula while she continues to pay her debt to me. I need your agreement to leave her alone while she lives here in Wild Sands.” He moved the wad of money back to Narek.

Narek looked at the money, drank the last sip of his brandy and slammed it down on the bar.

“I just want the case back, I have more important things to worry about than hurting Lula. However if she decides to pull another stunt like she did, I have no problems killing her.”

“She won’t be doing anything like that while she is indebted to me, and I will handle the case for now.” Jaern hissed through his teeth.
Narek looked over at Lula as a mixture of hate and sympathy came like waves through his body. He looked back at Jaern, and the money on the bar and shoved it back to him.

“Keep the case as payment for Lula’s debt to you.” Narek offered.
Jaern took a deep breath as if pondering for a moment what Narek had said. He laughed a wicked and twisted deep laugh.

“She will always owe me a debt that you cannot pay off, but for now, I will be pacified.”

With that last phrase uttered Jaern grabbed the wad of money, stuffed it into the pocket on the inside of his cloak and left the bar without looking back.

She looked over to Narek at the bar needing to talk to him; he glanced at her and left the bar.

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