Part 2: Just Listen

Posted by Beth - -

She walked into the Oasis that night seeing old faces that she had come used to now that she lived in Wild Sands. Becoming part of this community was the best thing she could ever do for the mission. Walking up slowly to the center of the stage she notices someone new in the cantina. Could this be him? Pulling up her datapad slowly in her palm, she checks out the stats, she has found him. This was going to be a good night.

She introduces herself to him and they hit it off. Of course they did. That’s what she is good at. Just listen, that’s all you have to do. Most men will do the rest. So she danced the night away getting to know those in the cantina that dropped by, keeping an eye on him the entire time. She decided it was time to get on the next level with him. Proclaiming the hardships of being a dancer and having tired feet, he proceeds to offer up a foot rub. Excellent she thinks to herself. He is mine, and how quickly. This is too perfect. The night winds down and she invites him back to her place to dive deeper.

Then like the floodgates had been opened to a deluge of emotion, he started to unload his soul to her. At first she realized why they had so much in common, considering his past, then she was just mesmerized by the entire story, and him. This isn’t good. He is unloading himself to me. I can’t do it tonight. Tomorrow. Yes. Tomorrow I will get the disk.

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