In the Beginning

Posted by Beth - -

Born in a small village located outside of Bestine on Tatooine around 26 BBY, her father was rarely around due to his post with the empire it kept him on business most of the time. Lula and her mother mostly worked the small plantation and grew close to each other. As an only child and with a father away most of the time, she became weary of men knowing that she could barely trust her father let alone men she barely knew. At the young age of 8 she was taught basic dance and theory. She moved on to understand her abilities that had been passed down to her from her mother as a healer. At the young age of 12 she saw her mother die alone, of un-natural causes that were inexplicable at that time. Unable to reach her father, Lula fled the plantation and went to seek work in nearby towns.

Realizing that the streets were harsh and there was little she money she could make, she started dancing in cantinas. The life turned from innocence to corruption as she found a group of Zabrak street thugs that could offer her protection when she danced in places like Mos Eisely. She agreed thinking that she was in need of protection after what she had heard of that town growing up. She fell quick and hard for a member of the gang Eeth (Zabrak for ‘fearless’) who introduced her to spice. She enjoyed the spice and the escape it provided for her, realizing she was alone in the world without a family, and sometimes went hungry at night, the spice kept her from that reality.

When she was 16, a late night raid of a small shop would change Lula’s life forever. She joined the raid as she knew her job was to move quickly through the store with her small stature and grab expensive items while the bulk of the grunt would create chaos and grab the credits. The gang was all heavily drunk and on spice when they started the job, an itchy trigger finger and a nervous shop owner turned to first degree murder and grand arson of the shop. Lula was the only one found out of the gang, passed out from an overdose after shooting the shop owner. Police later confirmed the pistol had her fingerprints and DNA that matched the bullet inside the shop owner.

Upon waking up she found herself with two choices for her crimes. One was to lethal injection and she would never be missed. The second was a chance at repaying the empire for the crimes against its legal system. Not knowing what that meant, she agreed to it. She spent the next four years training to become an elite Special Intelligence Agent (SIA).

From there she did missions that are hereby classified in nature and would only be found in very high classified files. If the database was to be searched they would find a covert agent named Lola very similar in features but with long brown hair and brown eyes.

After a mission gone wrong, Lula escaped continuing to dodge ID checks and blood checks as she started to get blood transfusions to mask her own blood. She took on a new identity, cut her hair and enrolled in school at the University of Coronet with an undergrad in Chemistry. She eventually graduated with a PhD in Biochemistry and Genetics.

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