Legacy Part 1

Posted by Beth - -

Her long fingers rapped the desk as she sat trying to compose a letter. She ran her fingers through her hair from the scalp trying to think of what to say. She had finally gotten an hour to herself while Cyrus was down for a nap, she needed to use this time.

"I just need to be myself," she said quietly to herself.

She opened up the holo-comm and stared into the black screen as she took a deep sigh. Staring into the cold dark screen with nothing on the other end it was just like pouring her heart into a black hole. She swallowed clearing the large lump in her throat as she hit the record button. In a snap the screen went from black to eye-splitting white. Her eyes squinted at the light and she started to speak in a clear calm voice.

"Hey Des, *a small smile runs across her lips as she says his name*

"I wanted to get this out of the way so that legally there won't be any problems should something happen to me. Right now my treatment is going really well. "

She looks deep into the screen uncomfortably as she always hated talking about anything that made her feel weak.*

"The virus in my blood has subsided for now so they think its laying dormant or just is being attacked at the right level with the treatments. "

*Her face shifts to almost beaming and looks across the room quickly then back to the screen*

"Cyrus misses you and loves you. He's napping right now or I'd put him on. Its not the same without you here...but you are always in my heart and my soul. From here just keep the transmission for whenever.

I Lula D'nari being of sound mind and body am making this living will so that there is no stipulation with child custody or my belongings and where they are to be sent to. Custody of Cyrus D'nari will go solely to Desian D'nari. My belongings are willed to Cyrus D'nari. My home on Naboo as well as my home on Tattooine are in his name. Upon him turning 18 he will have full rights to the estate and all of my belongings. Desian is awarded 50% of my monetary assets totaling 14.5M credits before Cyrus turns 18 so that he may care for our child. Upon Cyrus turning 18 he will then be awarded remaining 50% of the monetary assets."

She exhales deeply, her face not loving but worried, sad and unsure.

End transmission...

Desian walked to the office with cup of hot caf, well if you could call it that..he was no cook that was for sure. He set his cup on the desk and stretched his arms up and then out, making the demon winged tattoo on his back ripple. Turning on the terminal he sits and begins to check the mornings weather reports, news and of course his holomail. He sees the transmission from Lula as he takes a sip of caf raising one brow, he starts it. Her voice makes his eyes narrow a bit, she had taken his son, how dare she, sick or not she had insulted him by taking his own blood from him. And then, her smile, he actually put his hand to his chest to rub away the twinge, the words of his son made him grin showing off his fangs, he missed him, he missed him more than he ever thought he would. He finishes watching and leans over, pulling the holo recorder to the edge of the desk and connecting it to the term, he runs his hand over his hair and horns as it begins to record.

"Lula, I am glad to hear that the treatment is working and that whatever it is has slowed. And yes I miss Cyrus very much, I hope to plan a trip next week to come see him if this is alright with you. You look good Lula, not as pale as last I saw you. And though reading your.....

He looks up from the recorder for a moment and then looks back to the screen.

"..reading your will made my stomach turn, I will honor it and you know that. I'm sorry things turned out this way Lula, its never what I intended. I'll be seeing you both soon, kiss our son for me."

The screen goes blank as he stops recording and hits the send button.*

Sooner then she sent it another message came back to her. Her face eased and smiled as his face came up. She could tell he was still upset that she asked to take Cyrus but she knew that was a portion of why her therapy was working. A reason to keep fighting is why she did it. The gold wedding band on her left hand swung around her left hand as her fingers ran across the screen along his face as he talked.

Once again she turned on the screen and put her hair back down, just the way he always liked it.

“Hey Des, "

She smiles widely.

"next week is great. We look forward to having you come. I have a bodyguard named Isman. He’s huge and has his own family so no, it’s not that kind of body guard. His wife has a son Cyrus’ age and they love to play together. You know that my heart only has you in it."

She pulls up a toddler on her lap and whispers into the holocomm.

“nuv u daaada”, he exclaims.

She beams back at the screen.

"Love you Des."

End transmission.....

Desian had done well through the second message, that is until he saw his son and heard his words. Was it all worth it? He questioned himself, something the stoic Zabrak rarely did. Maybe he should of made it work with Lula, though through the years the times apart had driven a huge wedge between them. He knew the moment he had seen her again after so long that it would never be the same, he loved her, he would always love her. After all she was the mother of his only son, at least the only one he knew of. The toddlers words had almost brought tears to the seasoned warriors eyes, he pushed it from his mind and started to record.


His pale yellow eyes almost glowing in the dim light of the room.

"I will notify you the night before I plan to depart that way you can notify the council, there are other things that I need to speak with them about and I would like for you to set that up before I arrive. You know the customs I'm sure, don’t be too pushy, do not look them in the eyes, you are female, and worse yet partly human in their sights. Be humble and respectful, I know you will honor me with these requests.

He looks away for a moment, maybe too long, she would know that his heart was heavy when speaking of his son, the thoughts of her being ill were pushed just as far back as he could get them, he may not be with her but he was damned if he was going to lose her in this way.

"I was glad to see Cyrus so happy, you are taking good care of him I know. I will see you both soon."

The transmission ends as it began, his pale yellow eyes looking directly into the recording, knowing that Lula would be searching them, and he knew what she would find, what she always found when she looked into his eyes, love, respect....worry.

Desian had done his best to sound distant, cold even. He knew it would not last long, her eyes and the smell of her hair always managed to soften his heart. He would spend the week there, see his son, monitor Lula's treatment and speak with the councils regarding business on the outter rim.

She yawned and arched her back as she stretched on her bed squinting at the time. She had already been up twice that night with Cyrus due to the storm system coming through that night. The violent winds and electricity of the storms on Iridonia is what made the climate so harsh. Luckily due to some advances off world they had made underground housing and communities. Still when the ground shook, even if you were under it, you still felt it and heard it. She looked at her blinking holopad realizing she had a message and she had been gone all weekend talking with the Elders. She had made a good case to them and would hear back tonight their final decision.

She popped open her holopad and beamed at the face in front of her. She ran her fingers along the screen. Gods how she missed smelling the mixture of sand and him on her clothes, her bed, finding sand between the bed sheets. She sighed deeply and wondered if she should have left. She knew that she could have just gone back and forth for her treatments but she just knew that she would be doing to him what she had hated him for doing to her for so many years. She thought she was allowing him to have a normal life. The two things that could be burdens, a sick wife and a toddler, would be removed from his life. It tore inside of her and made her stomach sick being without him.

She listened to the transmission and had already spoken with the Elders exactly the way he had requested. She smiled at his eyes as she searched them.


She spoke softly. She opened up the recording transmission, her hair un-kept and tussled, her eyes slightly puffy due to the lack of sleep she cleared her voice and started the recording.

"Good morning Des. I spoke with the Elders and the council. They look forward to having you back on the home world and are eager to hear of what you have been doing on the outer rim. They are much in your favor but are still in debate as to if you will be allowed to stay with Cyrus and I in our home. I am sure it will not be an issue but you know how they love to keep you on pins and needles about things close to your heart. They were pleased to see my wedding ring as well as my j’ato as I wore sandals to show them respect of our oath to each other. I think I am in their favor for coming back to be treated here in Iridonia and raising Cyrus here. That is huge in their eyes and for that I think I have gained favor with them."

She took a deep breath and pushed her bangs behind her ears.

“Please don’t be disturbed by my appearance. It was a rough night of storms sweeping through and Cyrus was up a few times. Other than that things are good here.”

Her heart was beating in her throat but she didn’t care, she was going to say it.

“I love you Desian.”

End of transmission….

Des's face is bruised, his lip split, he sits in his fatigues in front of a holo screen as he begins to record. Other troopers in the back ground fading in and out of the picture.

"Lula...things have changed, apparently -My Emperor- needs me, so I was ever so kindly asked to re-enlist. I don't know when I can come, I'm sorry I know this isn't what your going to want to hear. And as far as what you look like, your always beautiful to me, remember that. I will....send you more when I can, right now is difficult though. "

Desian reaches to send the recording before looking back into the screen.

"......I love you too....."

Desian laid on the hard bunk in the barracks, his body was sore; he had spent all day training. His mind went back to the previous day, the storm troopers bursting into the cantina, three of them escorting him out into the courtyard just beyond the fountains of Riva Dorata. He had been told he was "needed" that "his Emperor requested his services again, that he would lay down his life to serve", he had laughed

He didn’t know why he had, but he did and that’s when the beating had started. With half the cantina looking on, unable to do anything, he stood as long as he could with blows to both the front and back of his head, his stomach, his kidneys. Finally he had buckled down onto the grass with only the cold droning voice of his former Captain. "You will serve soldier, or we will find all you hold dear, do you comply", Desian had raised his head, spit out clotted blood from his mouth and hissed a quite pissed off "Sir....Yes SIR". He imagined the captain had smiled behind the helmet, he had always been hard on Des and this day was no exception. "HK-696 it is good to have you back, you will keep your designation but your rank will be stripped, your actions could be considered treason, you do remember what we do to traitors of the Empire don’t you HK-696?" Desian knew all too well what they did to them; they tortured them until the poor bastards finally gave into peaceful death. "You will report at 0600 hours to my office, you will start boot camp all over again HK-696, and maybe this time you will succeed in your endeavors to please me and your Emperor, I will be hard on you soldier, harder than I've ever been, because I KNOW your potential." Bloody, bruised but not broken, not by a long shot he picked himself up off the grass. "TK-487 apply the tracking device to HK-696." And with that order the tracking device was locked around Des's left ankle. The Captain meant business as he grabbed Desian’s right arm and inspected the Imperial insignia tattoo with HK-696 inked under it. "You see this soldier, this means you belong to me". Desians response was the same "Sir, Yes SIR". "You are dismissed HK-696, enjoy your last night as a civilian". And with that they had left him, he couldn’t turn back, he couldn’t look into the eyes of the ones that had watched him be beaten, who had watched him being forced to submit. He was only grateful that Lula hadn’t been there to see it, that his son never had to know what his father had be put down to. He had served the Empire for over half of his life and this is how they repaid him, forcing him back into service. Desian leaned his head against a tree, for the first time in a long time he wanted to cry, he wanted to scream out in anger and frustration, but good warriors didn’t do those kind of things. He did what he had always done, he swallowed it, he kept it inside of him. And then he was back in the barricks, he flipped on the holorecorder by his bunk and started taping to Lula again.

"Lula, its been a rough day, no doubt you have received the news of the incident earlier this week in Riva Dorata, yes that "civilian" was me. I am once again a registered soldier of the Empire. As I said before, I don't know when I will be able to come now, basic takes at least a few weeks and who knows where I will be deployed after that. Kiss our son for me, as always; tell him that his father loves him very much. And...I want to thank you, I know leaving wasn’t easy on you, but you wanted to give me what I never gave you those times I had left. A chance with someone, possible a future with someone. I should of given you that Lula, and I will do all I can in my power to make up for that. Know that I love you, I will always love you....I will send transmissions when I can....be safe...pelir'e."

With that Desian turned off the recorder and sent the transmission on its way. He laid back in his bed and closed his eyes, only a few more hours until 0600, until his hell started all over again....and yet something inside of him couldn’t wait.

She came back into the house after a day of treatment; her body was sore and in her hand laid a holodisk of the procedure she was going through. The Elders had heard of the Empire taking Desian back into service and gave that disk to Lula to send to Desian to show that his family was to come first. She was torn. Looking at the disk and debating knowing what it would do to him and knowing that there was nothing he could do. She sighed as she slipped into bed.

The house was eerily quiet when Cyrus was with K’erry. Every Tuesday same story, K’erry would come and take Cyrus for the next 24 hours while she healed. This left her with her thoughts and nothing else. Seeing the bruises and needles that had been poked into her skin that day, she threw on a long sleeved shirt as she read her holomail.

Another message popped up, she beamed- stripping the death from her face. She ran her shaking fingers over the screen.

“Pelir’e”, her lips uttered.

Her lips quivered seeing his face and hearing what had happened. She hadn’t been there but had seen the recording of what had happened. An unidentified source had sent it to her. She had her suspicions of who it was but at this point she didn’t care. Her eyes were still stained red from crying seeing him beat like that. He was a part of her. It didn’t matter who he was spending his time with, they were souls bound together.

She held her stomach, weak from her treatment as she pushed the record button.

“Volks Pelir’e. As I continually curse the Empire for all that it has put our family through, you are a good man, father and solider and always will be. I saw what happened to you outside that cantina and please don’t be scared by how I look. Yes I did cry, yes it did hurt as if I was there. The cruelty of the holocorders, making it feel like I was standing beside you, "

She runs her hand through her hair, clearly she should have waited to do this recording*

"..Desian…the Elders gave me a holodisk of my treatment to guilt you into coming to Iridonia. They do not believe in the politics of the Emperor or why we are still at war. They believe in war for different reasons and feel you need to be here. I of course took the disk and told them I would show it to you. I’m having a hard time doing that. I know what it would do to you. I know that no good would come from you seeing this. So for this I am torn. Let me know if you want me to honor the Elders or… *her eyes search for him* ...what...

..I know you are having fun back in the ranks. You always loved the excitement and ability to destroy without question that the Empire gives you. Be safe pelir’e. And let me know when you can what I am to do with the Elders’ commands. My treatment is every Tuesday and I report into the Elders that Thursday. I love you Desian."

She dragged her feet back to bed, coughing and hacking. Curled up into a fetal ball she crawled under the sheets and turned her head onto her cold soft pillow. She pulled her face into her pillow and cried deep from her soul. She just prayed she had turned off the holocorder.

The holoimage comes up, Des is sitting in his fatigues, there is activity in the background, he appears to be in some sort of office. He glances to what can only be assumed as other people in the room, past the holocorder as he begins.

"Lula, I have been asked by the Imperial office of regulations to make this statement to you, you should be aware that they will be sending a copy of this holorecording to the Elders as well...

"I Desian D'nari hereby wish to renounce my marriage to Lula D'nari, effective immediately..

Desian’s eyes are pained as he says the words that he knew for so long were coming, somehow he had hoped both the Elder Council and the Empire would let it go, let them work things they way they had wanted.

"..As of this day forward my only common ground with Lula D'nari will be our son Cyrus D'nari, to whom I have requested visiting rights. At this time I would like to apologize the high council, Elders I have failed you in this marriage, please show mercy on me and on those above mentioned. Allow Lula and Cyrus to stay, allow him to grow up as he should, and give her the respect you would a female of our race. I ask that impartial judgment be given on any of her future relationships as well as any of my own."

Des looks back to the unseen beings again and nods though he reaches to turn off the recorder his finger does not quite make contact just as he had planned, from the back ground can be heard the following. "Very good HK-696, you have done just as we have asked, you are free to go back to the barracks and you have ensured the safety of your ex-wife and your son, you are dismissed". Desian nods, looks at the screen once more and turns off the holocorder.

She hadn’t slept in days since she heard that message. Her eyes had rings of black under them from lack of sleep and when her body finally fell asleep nightmares consumed her brain. K’erry had taken Cyrus to a mutual friend’s house that had a son of equal age. She kept playing the message over and over thinking it would change. All those years she had hung on for dear life and it was over. She ran her fingers over here j’ato on her legs. As she mumbled under her breath words that you wouldn’t want to be on the end of. She sighed half out of remorse and half out of hopelessness. She didn’t even want to be around people. The person and the light that so many knew was dampened.

She opened up the holocorders and pressed record.

“Des. Thank you for sending me the message of our separation. I can’t tell you it was easy to hear. I can’t tell you it was what I wanted to hear. I can tell you your son is safe and the Elders while they frowned on it are now questioning my j’ato. "

She runs her hand through her hair in frustration

"..Yes I look rough. No I haven’t slept." *she bites her bottom lip* "I love you Desian. I don’t care how you renounce our marriage or who to. *She pulls her leg up to the screen*. This is what we are made of. You and me. No one can take that from us. No empire, no stupid emperor, no army, no council of elders, no girlfriend. No one. I hope you are well and I look forward to hearing from you soon.”

She looks in to the screen her eyes full of sadness and hurt then turns off the holocorder.

Des's hands move over his horns as he looks into the holocorder, it already started. He sighs his eyes pale and pained somehow.

"Lula, I....I've been pulled in so many different directions I don't know which is the right way....I...."

The recorder turns off, nothing, blackness, no sound, only the dark screen. Then a knock at her door, her body guard telling her she's requested immediately in the council hall. She pulls a dark robe on over her much thinner body, pinches at her pale cheeks and makes her way to the hall. It seems empty, most of the council gone for the day as she makes her way into the main hall, a dimly lit room with chairs lining the sides. There in the middle a lone figure, cloaked in black, its back to her. The figure holds a hand out and motions her to it, slowly and unsure she moves towards the looming dark mass. Her mind stops, lack of sleep playing tricks on her, was it death...did it really come for people like this....she shakes the thoughts from her mind as a strong gloved hand wraps around her frail wrist. The hood is pulled back and there's his face....his eyes, his half grin as he looks into her face and pulls her to him. His hands move over her hair, his lips brush at her ear as he whispers "we must never speak of this...not to anyone, our meetings must be secret pelir'e please tell me you can do this....tell me you can be my wife if not anywhere at least here...." His eyes go back to hers, his arms so strong around her, his body so hard but welcoming to her, wrapping around her protecting her. Des moves his lips over hers in a deep kiss before pulling her palms to his mouth and kissing them, looking in her eyes, awaiting her reply.

Her face flushed for the first time in months at the touch of his hand. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as her breath tightened. There were two letters that escaped her lips.


She gave in and collapsed in his arms allowing her entire weight onto his body. Her fingers clutched for the back of his robe never wanting to let go. She ran her nose along his neck inhaling his scent deeply*

"..I will not speak of this ever p'elire. I am your wife."

She kissed their interlacing hands and wondered what was going to happen but at this time kept her mind shut so that she could just enjoy him. He picked her up into his arms and brought her to a bench on the side of the empty great room. She beamed up at him lost in his eyes and mesmerized by his sight. Her soft finger tips wandered their way around his j'ato, leading up to his forehorns. She lightly blushed and smiled at him.

"I'm sorry I made you worry enough to come here....I love you."

She looks up at him and grins looking for his response.

Desian takes her hand in his and looks into her face, he says nothing, merely stands and carries her out of the hall. Down the streets to the small house where he had already been informed she was living. Desian opened the door to the quaint cottage and walked in, shutting it behind him. He sat her down and moved to take off his cloak, he stood there in the dim light of the fire and slowly turned to her.

"Come, sit, I want to look at you..."

His voice was soft but commanding as she did what he asked, as she always had. She sat in a large over stuffed chair and looked up at him. Pain flickered in his eyes as he looked at her once lovely face, gaunt, pale, sickly. Des knelt beside the chair and slipped his gloves off, reaching up to brush her un-kept blonde hair from her face.

"This is my fault pelir'e....I should of known that part of your healing would of been for me to be here, we are connected, it is stronger than I thought".

His words trail off as her hand moves over his and down his strong forearm, the tears well in her eyes as she begins to cry. Desian pulls her to him, raking his fingers through her hair.

"Shhhh pelir'e....none of that now baby, I am here, you have cried enough to last a lifetime, no more tears eh?"

He lifts her chin with his hand so that she is looking up into his eyes, he grins down at her and leans in, kissing her lips ever so tenderly.

"Come to bed with me..." she says in a weak frail voice.

Des nods and walks into the next room, lighting a few candles as she comes in and begins to slowly undress. His eyes wander over her body, her curves still in all the right places, the body of a dancer, no sickness could ever take that from her.

"You know...the girls now days in Eisley would kill for your body...."

He tried to lift her spirits some as he could tell she was uncomfortable with the weight she had lost. Lula nodded at him and smiled weakly as she slipped between the sheets, he followed behind her, pulling her to him. His hands moved softly over her body, he wanted to take her, he wanted to make love to her like he had so many nights before. But he was afraid of hurting her, he let her make the first move, she knew what she could handle. The candles in the room melted away into the night as her soft gasps echoed in the cottage. Morning would find them tangled with each other peacefully asleep.

Desian woke, he had no idea what time it was, time didn't seem to matter much anymore to him now. He looked to his side and there she was, delicate, frail, but she looked better to him, not quite as pale as he had first seen her. He sat up in the middle of the bed and pulled the thin sheet away from her lower legs. Slowly he traced the j'ato on her feet before he leaned down, kissing each foot softly as not to wake her. Desian slipped from their bed and stood in the room, he padded without sound into the main room and knelt down building back the fire that had burned to embers. It was winter here on the surface and though they were protected from the harsh climate the ground still held the coldness of the season. He stood and made his way into the kitchen, building a fire in the metal stove as well, he opened the cooling box and looked over the sparse food items shaking his head.

'Pelir'e how are we going to get you better if your not eating...' he frowned and began making a mental list of what to pick up at the market. He smirked "the market" it had been so long since he had been home, he knew the faces and the names and they would question him as close knit communities did but he didn't care. His head turned as he heard the lock on the door click and the door opened slowly, and then there was K'erry...with Cyrus....and there he stood stark naked.

"Oh....Des!...your back!"

The words were out of her mouth before she realized the zabrak male was in the buff, her cheeks blushed deeply as she quickly turned her back. Desian smirked and moved to the living room, grabbing the throw off the couch he wrapped it around his waist.

"It's ok K'erry you can turn around.."

She did and his heart sank at the sight of his sleeping son in her arms. She didn't say anything she didn't have to, she moved towards him and handed Cyrus over. Des held the baby tight to his chest, growling low, almost purring to his son as his hand moved over the tiny horns, his lips grazing the toddlers cheeks as he merely nodded to K'erry.

"How's our girl?" she asked as she too went to the cooling box, a frown coming over her face.

"Still asleep...but she looks better to me this morning"...

"Of course she does Desi dear....your here"

Desian nodded and for a moment wondered how K'erry was permitted to stay here, how that had been worked out with the elders but he didn't ask. "

"Looks like we need to go to the market"...."I'll go when she wakes up..." Des replied. K'erry turned to him and nodded again with her smile, he had loved her once, he remembered that now, but that was before Lula, before Landsend...so so long ago he thought.

"We'll I'll be off, she has my com if you need me..." and with that the Twi'lek left him.

Slowly Cyrus stirred in his arms, looking up at his father with big sleepy eyes, his little hand going to Des's j'ato. "Daa..." Des smiled down at the baby and rubbed his nose to his. "hello my son...Daddy's missed you so much..." He held the baby tight to him taking in his fresh scent before moving back to the bedroom. Desian crawled in beside Lula and sat Cyrus between them, he ran his hand over her hair softly as Cyrus touched her arm and looked up at him. "Maami sweep?" he asked before looking back to Lula. Des smiled and nodded at him. "yes son she's asleep...but we can wake her up now...be easy though"

Cyrus looked at his father and the crawled up beside his mother, placing a wet slobbery kiss on her cheek, breathing a little heavy the way toddlers did when they were doing a task. Desian grinned and watched his wife stir, her eyes lighting up as she saw her son and then looking quickly at Des.

"I'm still here pelir'e..." he grinned at her the way he always had as he ran his hand over the baby's head and pushed him back on the bed listening to him giggle and roll around playing in the sheets. Des felt her hand on his chest and looked back to her, holding her to him, running his hand over her body content to lay there with her forever. "Pelir'e...when you feel that you can walk again, I need to go to the market, looks like I'll be cooking for you for awhile" he grinned at her as she nodded and clung to him. "Yes Des...but not yet ok?" Des nodded at her and pulled her to him pulling the sheet over them both enough to cover their lower half as Cyrus crawled back up on the bed with a toy. Des smiled and sat his son on his chest, letting him play as he held his wife in his other arm, both of them watching what they would die for...their legacy, their son.

She thought it was a dream. A beautiful amazing dream. They were all together again the way it should be. For a moment it felt like death had come for her and she was ready to take it's hand. She woke up and moved her leg softly finding Des next to her curled up on her chest listening to her heart. She smiled down at him realizing that he still did love her and that him coming here in secret and helping her recover was all she needed. She couldn't do it on her own. She never could. She traced his j'ato with her fingertips lovingly. "P'elire," she spoke quietly. Her fingers ran sofly up his horns, she wondered how long this would last but had to shove that out of her brain for sanity's sake. She glanced down at her body and ran her hand through her hair realizing how she had neglected herself these months by herself. Yet a smile crept across her lips of how he still loved and adored her no matter what she looked like. She slipped out of bed to find Cyrus on the floor napping just like his father, against a large stuffed doll. She grinned at them and made her way to the kitchen. Her small frame was freezing against the rooms so she grabbed an animal skin and wrapped herself in it. She opened the cabinets...just as she thought. Totally out of food. With Cyrus gone and her not caring...she hadn't' had much on hand. She quickly threw on a warm fur lined robe and made her way out. She quickly hand wrote a letter saying she'd be back shortly on the door. Looking at her own handwriting it looked like a totally different language as there was no need for writing in the distant worlds they had left behind. Iridonia was different. She loved that.

No sooner had she left that she came back with two other women from the village softly giggling bringing all the food into the house. She put a finger to her lips quieting them as they opened up the door. Surprisingly she found Cyrus and Des in the bed together still sleeping. The girls grinned widely. Seeing them as one family unit was important because this news would spread to the Elders eventually. This would once again put their graces upon Lula and questions about the stability and her links to zabrak culture would not be asked for quite a while. She knew the zabrak Elders didn't care about the empire, their laws or their army. They cared about the time honored traditions and customs. That of the j'ato and that of the life partner...not a wife, not a person you liked...your life mate. She hushed them and moved to the kitchen poking the embers trying to get the stove started. She threw a roast into a pan, old fashioned zabrak cooking. She wondered what he would think of her cooking like his mother used to. She had learned a lot staying there recuperation, and in treatment. The women were a tight knit group that looked out for each other's young as well as the well fare of each other. As the aroma of the meat and spices made its way through the house she made her way back to the bed.

Desian grinned and pulled himself from the bed, securing the traditional wrap around his waist he moved to hoist his son up as the cloth from the wrap just barely allowed his bare feet to show. Cyrus squealed and slapped lightly at his fathers face with a big almost toothless grin. Des walked into the living area and sat the baby on the leather couch, placing a few toys within his reach, he then made his way into the kitchen. His large strong arms wrapped around his tiny wife as his lips moved up her neck. "I just can not get my fill of you pelir'e" he whispered against her skin as his hands moved up to cup her breasts as she cooked. Lula turned her head and smiled at him, the sparkle was back in her eyes and with each passing hour he could almost see her getting stronger. Later in the day after they had made the bed creak and groan yet again, he would go to her treatment with her, dropping Cyrus off with K'erry. He would hold her hand and tilt her head to look him in the eyes, "look at me pelir'e..." he would tell her as the needles went into her delicate arms.

After the treatment was done he would bring her and his son back to their cottage, hold her in his arms as they lay on the large over stuffed couch and watch their son play. Time seemed to stand still here, days melted into one another and weeks were non-existent. The same routine, going with her for treatments, coming home, spending the next few days watching her get a little stronger with each week. Des sat with Cyrus on the floor, he watched his father sharpening a knife, it was spring time on the surface now and Desian had been asked by the elders to lead the seasonal hunt. His head turned with the knock on the door and Des rose telling his son not to touch the blade and on second thought handing it over to Lula as she sat finishing up the touches on the quilt she had been making most of the winter. "Vi..." Des said as he opened the door to a female he recognized from the clinic where Lula was being treated. "I need to speak with you..." her gray eyes darted inside of the cottage..."Alone".

Desian nodded and stepped out of the door and closed it behind him as the woman began to speak. "We have found an abnormality in your wife's blood during her treatment this week..." Des tilted his head and frowned a bit. "Is she getting better...worse...out with it female I don't have all day" even though he did. "Her blood is showing signs of improvement but...she's pregnant" Des looked blankly at the female for a few moments. "Are you sure?" . "Yes we're quite sure it wasn't there last week but this week it is." Desian ran his hand over his horns and looked back to her. "Is she strong enough for this?" The female hesitated for only a moment before nodding. "It will be hard but, she is married to you which shows her strength, she will survive it...." Des smirked at the tone she used, so unsure, but nodded, thanked her and walked back into the cottage. He stood there looking at the petite blond for a bit before moving over to the couch. "Pelir'e..come here..." he held out his hand and soon she was beside him on the couch. He looked into her eyes and brushed the hair from her face. "You carry another child Lula...

Lula looked at Desian with a smirk. She had thought she was feeling off but wasn’t just sure it was the treatments. She put down her quilt and smiled at him. “You’re excited I can tell.” She outstretched her arms to him holding him close to her. “I love you Desian D’nari,” she only used his full name when she wanted him to know she was serious. “There is nothing more I want then for us to be a family live as a family and grow together. I am curious though…you’ve been allowed to stay so long. " She grinned at him through her bangs lovingly. She smiled at him and loved this feeling, she worried about how far along she was and what the treatments would do to her body and the baby. “When can we go to the doctor? I’d like to know what I can and can’t do….eat….and my treatment…” Her head was spinning and he could see it quickly overwhelming her. He threw his hands under her to pull her onto his lap. He looked deeply into her eyes almost reading her soul. His hands moved slowly over her cheeks, down her neck. His fingers ran down her thin arms then across her body to her stomach. His hand curved and rested on her lower stomach that had yet to show any signs of being with child. He loved their family, there is nothing he would not do for his family. She smiled at him and said “I hope it’s a girl this time.”

Desian laughed at his son as he put his head to Lula's stomach. "abie?" he asked his big eyes looking up at his mother. Lula nodded and moved her hands over his head, they had told him that his mother would be having another baby, he had wanted to know where it was and Des had put his hand over Lula's belly. Her treatments were going well, some changes of course had to be made to accommodate the pregnancy but her doctors were pleased. Desian had gone on the hunt with the elders and other warriors of the clan. They had brought home enough meat to sustain them well through the next winter. Life here was simple but it was good. None of the dramatic goings of of Eisley or the tense political battles of Theed. Desian played with Cyrus on the floor as Lula busied herself in the kitchen singing softly as she prepared dinner. Des sat up and watched her lovingly before she caught his gaze.

"What?" she asked with a smile on her face. Des just shook his head and winked at her as he rose, walking to her he wrapped his arms around her body and ran his hand over her flat stomach. "Thank you..." he whispered against her skin followed by the lightest and sweetest of kisses. Lula rubbed her hand over his and pulled from him to finish the meal. He watched her, as he did with Cyrus, filled with pride of their accomplishment. After the meal and Cyrus's bath he would watch her rock their son to sleep.

She woke the next morning with slight pains in her abdomen. She winced softly and curled away from Desian in bed. He felt her movement and slid behind her softly rubbing her lower back. He noticed the time, she was two hours late for her treatment. They called K’erry quickly and rushed to the doctor barely scraping by to get her into treatment and monitoring the still very very small baby inside of her. They smiled as they saw the image of a tiny little being growing inside of her. She ran her hand along the side of his face to which he almost instinctly kissed her palm. She whispered to him “Oen….ser oen.” The doctor grinned widely at this use of the ancient language and slipped a small piece of paper into Lula’s hand. The doctor explained that she was to meet with the other women of the small village in a pre-birthing class in a month so that she could become a part of the very tightly knit women that were just as far along as she was. This was by the culture something that was by invitation only. Desian saw the script and simply beamed at both of them. “This will ensure that your child will have all the rights and privileges of the clans.” “Daynas,” is all she could utter from her lips.

They left the doctors office and she still looked at the piece of paper. “Des…does this usually happen? I mean…invitation to be in a birthing class? It’s just everyone gets that you know back on the inner rim.” He explained to her the rituals about privacy and legacy and how each clan had to start to look out for each other. They could not trust people due to so many cross breeds and half breeds and mutants. So the doctor was the only one allowed to hand out invitations because they could do the necessary testing to see the quality of DNA. With this Lula smiled up at Des knowing that this baby was going to be stronger and live with the true culture of the people.

They arrived back at the house early enough to have some alone time before K’erry dropped Cyrus off. She leaned over and put on a slow song that they both knew and loved. She slowly swayed to the music as her hands dripped over his shoulders. He sunk down a bit to match her frame, his hand still stuck to her stomach proud of his growing baby. He drilled deep into her eyes as they danced slowly in the kitchen with the flicker of the growing fire.

Desian sat outside of the house smoking a hand rolled cigara with a few of the other males that lived near them. The back of the house sloped gradually down to an underground river, the light filtering in from above made always seem as if the water was alive with a million lights. The males watched the females and the children, the women doing the wash, the children running and playing. Cyrus of course was attached to his fathers leg watching the older boys rouse each other and mock fight. While Des's thoughts were on his young son at his side, his eyes were fixed on the beautiful blonde, her hair streaked with almost raven chunks giving her a "warrioress" like appearance that most of the females envied.

She was beautiful, breathtaking even. He had punched one of his fellow males in the shoulder hard enough to prove a point though he smirked at him as the male had made a comment about her shapely legs, tanned smooth. She waded calf deep in the water doing the wash, splashing with the other females of her own age, laughing. Des smiled as he inhaled and moved Cyrus's hand away from the cigara, her laugh was like music to his ears, it brought back so many good memories. "No son.." he said firmly and pushed the baby away as he reached again for his smoke. The other males smirked, as they all spoke the ancient language. "He's going to be a stubborn one Des...what are you going to do when he’s a teenager" The one male asked. Des half grinned over at him, just almost showing off his fangs as his reply came swiftly. "Pray he doesn't get your daughter pregnant..." The other males laughed as Des raised Cyrus up into his arms, putting the smoke down for now. "You are a good boy aren't you Cyrus...my little warrior.." The other men even smiled as the toddlers little arms wrapped around his fathers neck and the words with such innocence came. "Nuv joo Daa...". Desians heart's swelled as his voice tightened a bit. "I love you too son...go bother your mother..." he put the baby down and patted his bottom, watching him make his way to the water.

'Lula....' her name rang out in her mind in Des's voice as she looked up to see her son making his way towards the water. She moved to him and picked him up, hiking up her skirt, split on both sides up to her very upper hips as she sat on the bank and let him dangle his feet in the water. The other males leaned towards Des hoping to get a peek at what the fiery woman shared only with him. Desian pushed back against them. "Dogs..." he spat out at them in a low hiss. They knew their places around him, he was the son of an Elder, he had power in his clan and they knew better than to push him too far. They had seen him fight in the competitions, they had seen him hunt on the surface, and they knew he was a force to be reckoned with.

"Word in the market amongst the old women is that she carries another one" the youngest male in the group said, aging about fifteen Desian surmised. Des nodded his eyes on his family. "Yes the old hens are right". Des looked over at him as the boys eyes scanned over Lula’s body. "My mate still has none..." the boy said as Desian smirked. "Then your doing it wrong" Des said as he picked his cigara back up. "What is she like...does she scream loud?" the boy asked Des, and before he could reply the male who lived next door did. "Yes..." Desian chuckled and leaned back, he enjoyed hearing them talk about her, almost even enjoyed the fact that they wanted her. But she belonged to him, and they all knew their lives meant little to nothing at all if they acted on this. Lula hefted Cyrus onto her hip which made Desian frown as he stood and walked to meet him. "Give him to me baby...you shouldn't lift him" his hand moved over her face as she nodded and smiled up, handing the baby over to Des. They walked back up to the house as the males stood and dipped their horns to her, she smiled at them as Des ushered her into their home.

"Lula...we've been offered a new house, closer to the market, larger, and help as well" she looked up at him with a slight frown. She loved their cottage, it was small and quaint. The front door opened into a large kitchen where spiced meats hung over the ancient wooden table, dried herbs danced in the windows above the sink. The kitchen opened up into the living room with the large stone fireplace that would warm the whole house. The furniture here was large and over stuffed, room for all three of them on the couch and room for him and her to sit comfortably in the chair with the matching ottoman that seemed to stretch forever. There was a half wall off the other side of the kitchen that concealed most of their bedroom. The long ago hand carved headboard, the feather down mattress, and Cyrus's small bed with his toy chest. Off of this was their bathroom, which perhaps she loved the most. The walls in the entire cottage were stone but the walls in the bathroom gave life to deep seeded strands of ivy, cool and green. The large stone tub would fill with enough hot water to come to almost her neck and her and Des could quite comfortable make love in it. The shower was fixed overhead which made it seem as if the rain itself were showering over them. "I like the cottage Desian, do we have to go?" she asked as she began to prepare the evening meal. His hands were loosely at her hips, his mouth at the nape of her neck kissing and sucking. "Des..." she giggled out. "I'm trying to cook love..." Cyrus chattered and played unknowingly in the bedroom as his father's hips ground down into his mother. "I need you baby..." he hissed against her ear and was at the point of entry when the door swung open.

"Desian, stop that!" his mothers voice cut through the lust filled air as he groaned and rolled off of Lula who's face was bright red. Desian propped up on one elbow and raised a knee to conceal his aching pain as his parents shuffled in. His father looking at him with a slight smirk. "Just like when he lived at home." his voice was deep like his sons, his features still almost youthful and just as handsome. Desian’s mother gave her mate a stern look and smiled back at Lula who was already standing in a half bow. "Oh stop that...now, what do you have cooking." his mother asked with a smile as her and Lula busied themselves in the kitchen. Her mother-in-law preening over her, with adoration as they cooked together. The males sat in the living room as the fireplace flickered and in an instant Cyrus was in his grandfathers lap showing him his newest toy. Desian and his father talked of politics as the females chattered over baby names and other womanly things. After the meal his parents left taking Cyrus with them. Desian moved behind Lula as she did the dishes. "Stop that baby...I'll do it in the morning, leave them...come be with me" he said softly against her neck as she turned to him, wrapping herself in the comfort of her husbands strong arms.

Without having Cyrus in the house it was quiet. She slowly stretched out to the body next to her finding that it was a bit warm but his body was elsewhere. She smoothed back her hair as she looked around the slightly bare cottage. “I guess we’re moving,” she said to herself. She dressed herself and pulled her hair back into a knot. The door opened with loud talking and laughter. Desian and four other men from the village had been moving all morning and Lula had slept through almost all of it. “So I gather you’re almost done and you’ll all be hungry? The question is whether I’m to cook for you here or at the new house.” She grinned at the men loving to play hostess to everyone and anyone. Desian came over and bit her neck lovingly and smacked her butt saying hello. “You can cook here; it will be the last meal in our old house.” She nodded and went into the kitchen using the paper products and a few pans that were traditionally left for the next house owner. This was more of a tradition and welcome to the new family that would be occupying the house than anything. She used the last piece of cured meat that they had hanging in the house. Obviously it was left there by Desian to make some lunch. She smiled as she started to cook. The whole house filled with the sweet aroma of the meal. She caught a glance of herself looking back at her in the reflection of the small window in their house. She moved her bangs out of her face and stared back. It wasn’t that long ago that there was no hope, no love, no end for the emptiness she had felt.

The pregnancy was doing well with her. Her eyes were bright, her lips had changed color already to a pale purple and her cheeks where flushed with color. She loved this part of pregnancy. Where you glowed and everyone around you could feel how amazing you felt just by looking at you. She had a small bite to eat so that she could be on hand if something was needed during the meal. The men walked into the house proud of themselves for moving the house and stated they were hungry as they growled and sat on the floor. “Are you sure you don’t’ want to eat at the new place…we have chairs and tables…silverware?” They all laughed and Desian came up to Lula giving her a swat on the butt lovingly. “We will be fine, it’s the food that makes the meal. Right men?” They all grunted and cheered along with him. Lula laughed she brought food to each of them placing the plate in front of each of them. She bowed her head as Des said a quick thank you to the gods and the food was gone just as quickly as it had been placed before them. The men filtered out the door as Desian and Lula thanked all of them for their help. They knew what came next. You had to say goodbye to the house. The house was cleaned, and the few items that were traditionally left had their place along with a welcome letter. Desian lifted Lula up carefully his hands gazed the sides of her thighs. Slowly he placed her onto him, her legs gently wrapped around his body. He found one of the more sturdy walls and started growling over and over as they said goodbye to the house together. Her voice carried out the open windows and into the town. She grinned at him as he did the same, his growling carrying what felt like it was across the galaxy. He kissed her and lifted her down the ground. She wobbled around at first light headed. He caught her and brought her to the floor for her to get her footing back. He grinned at her, she said “I bet the neighbors won’t miss us.” Desian grinned “I bet they will.” The sparkle in his eye caught her gaze as she watched him love over her body. He carried her out of the house in his arms and placed her outside into the underground world that was now their home. The neighbors came out and waved at them wishing them well as they walked to their new place which wasn’t far. No need for speeders or shuttles here. Everything was close by. Maybe a Cupa mount every now and again but only for long journeys or hunts. One of the elderly women in the village winked at Desian as he walked hand in hand with his bride down the street. Hand holding and standing next to each other wasn’t normal with this village or the people. She reached out and held his hand giving him a loaf of “Yunio”. This bread took weeks to make by hand. She had heard the rumors of the move and the baby and had started it back then. She handed it to them in a basket full of fresh fruit, a hand made baby toy and a bit of sweets for Cyrus. Lula smiled and nodded her head “Daynas” really she could have said thank you but the elderly preferred the ancient tongue.

The new house was much larger than the cottage, it was supplied with electricity and plumbing as well. On the main floor was a large kitchen that featured a center island with stools situated around it, all the newest of appliances had been installed, there was the great room with the large fireplace, plush and leather overstuffed furniture a full bar, and a large screen holotv, a music room and dance area, three bathrooms, the largest attached to the huge master bedroom, a full walk in closet for both of them, and an extensive library. The second floor featured three more bedrooms and a bathroom, then a room leading to a wrap around balcony with large windows that looked down into the library. The floors were dressed with deep green marble, granite tiles, and soft Berber carpet. The basement sported another great room and another large fireplace with yet another large screen holotv, a spacious office, another full bar, another bathroom, and a rec room with pool and air hockey tables. Their new home was staffed with a full time maid and part time cook, and nanny if Lula desired it. Everything had been provided for them, the kitchen was fully stocked from the ordinary to exotic foods, as well as the bar which held a wide assortment of both imported and regional liquors and ales. All the rooms were furnished, Cyrus's room filled with toys and his tiny bed, a closet full of new clothes, and the nursery decorated in a neutral color for the new baby. Desian wrapped his arms around Lula as she stood in complete shock. "Des its...its too much.." she uttered with a smile she could not wipe away. Desian nodded in agreement and kissed her neck. He wanted to give her everything he never had before, the home of her dreams, a family....himself. "It will feel much better when your chasing two of my sons around pelir'e..." he smiled at her as he let go of her and walked into the kitchen. Cyrus was already busy exploring his new room and would call out from behind the baby gate when he was ready to be seen. Lula smirked at her husband. "And what if this one is a girl..." she said with a glint in her eye. Desian turned to her, remembering the daughter they had lost, he nodded matter of faculty. "That will be fine too.." He moved through the house inspecting it. It was lavish enough for her to throw her parties and comfortable enough for the family to live in, he was pleased. He had not told her that he had fought to the death with another for the rights to this house, it didn't matter, he had wanted it and he had gotten it. Desian lit a cigarra and leaned on the bar in the main floor great room, smiling as he heard Lula chasing Cyrus through the house, her laughter and the baby's echoing back to his ears. He waited, crouched down behind the bar, first Cyrus rounded the corner and then he had her, locked in his strong arms, lifting her off her feet in mid run, making her scream in surprise. "We caught her Cyrus...what shall we do with her...." Des said as he ran kisses up and down his wifes neck, being gentle with her and his unborn. "ickle! er!" the toddler stated. "Very well, we shall tickle her" Desian carried Lula to a large couch and held her to it, she laughed so hard she could barely get her words of protest out as her husband and small son tickled her. Cyrus laughed and tottled off after a few moments of torturing his mother. Desian brushed the hair from her face and leaned down, his hand moving up her now exposed thigh, under the thin skirt as he whispered into her ear. "I'm not quite done tickling mommy" His lips grazed her lower belly, kissing his unborn before he resumed his hold on her, having her tight against his body. Life was good, and it always would be.

As she woke that morning the house was warm as the room baked with the rising sun. She looked around their room. It was already clean. She had slept not only through Cyrus waking up, Desian leaving the bed, but apparently the chamber maid coming in and cleaning up the room. Well that just left her one less thing to do. As she scrolled through the morning holonews in her bed her long fingers ran over her smooth skin as she rubbed gently her lower stomach and hummed softly. She was definitely more tired with this one but she was also older, and it was half zabrak. She had to keep telling herself so she didn’t seem more defeated. She did searches for girl names and smiled at a few nothing really sticking. She was sure that Des probably had a name already.

She saw that a festival was just around the corner. Something about harvest, she wrote down a note to ask Des. Maybe they should have a party in their new house. She knew nothing about the tradition of what you were formally to celebrate with friends, family or the open public. Who is to be invited first for custom or if it’s not custom at all to send out anything formal. She still had so much to learn about the people of this place.

She smoothed her hair back and put on a fur-lined robe and made her way downstairs. Her stomach announced her arrival as she came upon the landing. She grinned at Des and Cyrus on the floor hunting apparently a small bantha stuffed animal. She grinned as Cyrus pounced and put the bantha into submission. Cyrus finally looked up and came toddling over to Lula. She squatted in her robe as she held him in her open arms. “You got him!” she exclaimed. Cyrus nodded rapidly then babbled on about how long, how Daddy helped him, and how he would make it into a hide so Mommy could make a dress. She looked over at Desian laying on his side watching them. “Morning love.” She made her way over to him and kissed him on his forehorn. She pressed some fresh juice and sat down beside Des on the floor. His hand immediately went for her stomach feeling for new growth, or maybe just to touch her as was his favorite way of affection. “We should have a party. I saw there is some kind of festival coming but I have no clue where to start with who should be invited, how to invite, order of invitations…any of that. But I am very much wanting to have people over now that we have the room and the means.” She beamed at him which made him beam back in return. Knowing that he had provided this home, the food, the means for them to live the life they had always wanted. Far away from war, lifestyles that were corrupt and lies that consumed everything it looked at. “We can, I need to check with the Elders and a few of the others to make sure it is still something we celebrate. If not, we will have a housewarming party as I know those are widely still done.” She smiled and nodded. She looked into his eyes deeply. IT had been a while since she was able to read his thoughts this way. She loved the ability to just dive into his eyes and forget the rest of the world.

Desian stood in the kitchen, half leaned over the island drinking a cup of hot caf and speaking with his father who was seated on one of the stools when she came into the room. Her hair a mess, the fur lined robe off of one shoulder and as always glowing, Desian thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. "Volks daughter..." his father spoke as she looked up and blushed immediately pulling the robe over her shoulder and smoothing out her hair as she shot Des a 'you could of said something' look. Desian grinned at her as she apologized and turned promptly to return to their room. He followed her, kissing at her neck as the robe slipped off, his hands over her body, moving down over her belly with just the slightest hint of roundness. Lula leaned back into him as his lips found her neck, his member pressing firmly against her round firm bottom. He wanted her, he always wanted her. "Des we can't...your father is waiting..." she said almost not wanting him to listen to her as he nodded and patted her bottom, leaving the room only to be sideswiped by his son. Des chuckled and hefted Cyrus up onto his shoulders, carrying him down the stairs and into the kitchen. When Lula appeared again her hair was neatly up with a few strands dangling down, she wore a thin leather halter top and a short-hair fur lined skirt, split on the sides up to her upper thighs. "You look lovely my dear..." his father said as he held Cyrus in his lap. "Danyas..." her soft sweet voice replied as she busied herself to prepare breakfast. She wished Des didn't let her sleep so late but she knew he was only thinking of her well being. "Lula wants to have a party father, for the harvest we will make it a house warming even as well, I was hoping you would inform the Elders and have the scribes send out the invitations" Des said before taking another drink of caf, lifting his son into his arms as he reached for him. Cyrus traced his fathers j'ato on his face with tiny fingers as the two men spoke of the event. "Of course Desian, your wife can have whatever she likes, I will arrange everything and send a guest list over later in the week."

Desian nodded knowing once his mother got wind of the party she would make sure no expense was spared. Desians father left and the day went on as usual, Des and Cyrus playing, Lula watching as Cyrus would run to her for "protection" when his father was "hunting" him. Lula would laugh and put her hand on Des's chest stopping him from getting to Cyrus, though she knew he could easily overtake her. Des would stop and turn around with a humph as Cyrus giggled and looked up to his mother with a wide grin. Later Des half laid on the couch with Lula laying in front of him, Cyrus in her arms. He watched the baby run his little hand over her exposed lower belly, even he knew something was in there. Desian pulled her into a heated kiss as their son poked at her belly button making her giggle into Des's mouth. "Okay little warrior, time for bed" Lula said as she stood up, followed by Des who carried the baby upside down to his room squealing and giggling. They tucked their son in and each kissed him good night before they made their way into their room down stairs. The bed seemed to go on forever, a thick down mattress covered with the finest of cotton sheets. The cover itself was brocade and had been a gift from his mother. Later that night his fingers lightly combing through her hair, his lips on hers tenderly until they both fell asleep in one another's arms.

The light filtered into the room and rested on her eyes. She ran her hand along to the other side of the bed to find Des there. She happily grinned and rolled over on top of him. The smell of him still lingered on everything in the room. Even though the house was new, it felt like the one they had long ago on Naboo. This time though it was filled with new friends and family members. Family, a word and concept so strange and foreign to her that she was still getting used to it in her head. She gazed into his eyes as they sparkled back at her. She kissed him deeply and sat up smiling at him. “Its been a while since you’ve slept in, there must be something going on.” He grinned at her and smacked the side of her butt playfully. She leaned down and bit his neck where his shoulder and neck met. He growled softly at her as she ran her lips across his cheek to his mouth for a deep passionate kiss. She tilted her head back into the filtered sun that danced around the bed. Her body arched backwards making her body look like a moving piece of artwork. He growled at her and got in a final smack to her butt as she moved away. She moved the hair off her face and made her way downstairs to start cooking. The nanny was downstairs with Cyrus already and he had been fed. She smiled and squatted down as the toddler bound to her. His toys already scattered throughout the living room she smiled and nodded at the nanny. She didn’t speak any basic. Just u’l and that was just fine with her. “Volks and danyas, I’maina”. She nodded and spoke firmly back “Volks.” I’maina moved through the kitchen making way for Lula to make breakfast for her and Des. She put the caf on and picked through the fruit basket looking for a melon. She shifted Cyrus on the other hip as his efforts to grab his mother’s melons was averted. “Tze Cyrus.” She moved his little hand from inside her robe and put him on the floor. Desian came down the stairs and Cyrus bound towards his father babbling all the way. “He’s just like you. Thinking he can still just grab for his breakfast through my robe.” Desian laughed loudly and came over to his wife with Cyrus on his hip. He ran his forehorn along the back of her bare neck, she dropped the spoon in her hand as her eyes closed in response to him. He whispered into her ear, “pelire amina.” She winced and bit her bottom lip. It was always her weakness and he knew it. She looked back at him and kissed him deeply. Cyrus responded by making kissy lips at the both of them. Lula laughed softly and raised Cyrus top and placed a raspberry kiss on his belly. The giggling and laughter filled the house. This is the way living should be.

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