I do (co-wrote with Korvin Pascal)

Posted by Beth - -

The lights were off as she entered her home, she could hear him snoring, a rhythm matched by her two gurrcats, a smile across her face as she saw Jhere resting his head on his chest. "Kor," she whispered softly, she approached him slow as she knew from experience startling him in his sleep was a bad thing. Jhere opened his eyes sleepily, parted slightly before closing and resting on Korvin's chest. "Kor," she whispered again, he did not stir and a tight smile crossed her lips. "Fire," she whispered, the room illuminated orange as a fire blossomed in the fire place. She looked back over at him, startled slightly at the sight.

His eyes were both swollen shut with dark bruising, his nose crooked and cut at the bridge, she noticed a slight wheeze in his breathing. She was angry at first. What was this from? A barfight? Had he gotten into an "Imperial Entanglement" as he would call it? The anger disipated quickly though. That was not his style. He knew that there was an important date looming. He would have walked away from a bar fight. He would have avoided the Imperials. She had been with other men who lived for that, but he was different. He was a man who harnessed his violence and controlled it, letting go only when necessary, but when it was necessary it became the scourge of his antagonist. What was it? She scanned him for clues, his knuckles were bruised, cut. The opening in his shirt allowed her to view bandages of what looked like blade slash across his chest.

It was the dirt that gave it away. The dirt on his knees. The dirt on his shoes. The dust. It was a reddish tan. She bite her lip, fear poured into her soul as she realized where it was from. Iridonia. "On the table," she jumped as he whispered, his hand extended, a crooked finger pointing to a remote. He groaned as he moved his arm, pain ripping through his body. Embarassed at the sound of his own pain. "Press play," he whispered again.

"No," she said, moving Jhere's head from his chest, realizing now that the big animal was protecting him versus cuddling. "It can wait, let me get you downstairs." Her voice was concerned, anger gone.

He shook his head slowly. "I'm fine," he whispered. "I can wait," he reached for the remote stubbornly, she realized that telling him to relax was futile and grabbed the remote herself pressing play. "These are just superficial wounds," he whispered as the holotube flickered. She looked at him instead of the video. "Watch," he encouraged.

She continued to stare at him until a familiar voice caused her eyes to well and goosebumps to form on her arms. "Mom!" She slowly turned her attention to the TV, her mouth wide open as she saw a young halfbreed zabrak, human male on the screen. His skin light brown in color, a crown of horns around his head, hair shaved to the skin between them. His eyes were hers, as was the higher cheek bone. "Volks!" There was obvious excitement in his face as he added the traditional greating after the exclimation of who he was talking to. "I look forward to seeing you in a few days at your wedding!" The young man spoke flawless basic, his education obvious as his grandparents were obviously not just teaching him the ways of his clan. "I am sure Korvin will be able to explain some of the trials that he went through to get me there. Hopefully he is not too bad off." There was a laugh that reminded her of her own as well. "He did well. Grandfather says that he has not seen a human as resiliant." Another long pause as the video paned to Cyrus's Grandfather standing next to a standing but broken Korvin.

"I have not 'met' Cyrus. Not 'seen'." His grandfather corrected.

"Met," Cyrus corrected. "Grandfather says that I may travel to the wedding. That I may see you more." Cyrus nodded slowly. "Korvin and Grandfather will work out some details. Though Grandfather says that Korvin's fighting style is too unorthodox for a Zabrak Warrior. I may not train with him." The lens zoomed out, Grandfather was still stonefaced, a slight smirk was on Korvin's face. "And I need to speak silly basic now because Grandfather says Korvin is too narrowminded to understand our tongue." There was another smirk on the video of Korvin. "I need to be back in three days time for a hunt after the wedding. Grandfather says a step to being a man in the human world will be giving my mother away as a bride, but that you won't want me around for the honeymoon." He seemed to smirk himself as if he was figuring something out. "Oh I can't hunt with Korvin either."

"Probably a good thing," Kor said quietly beside her, his eyes still closed as his body faced the ceiling. She did not look at him, her hand just rested upon him as she saw her son.

"I will see you in a few days time. I love you Mom," Cyrus said, nodding curtly, "I am proud of you." The video shut off.

There was a long pause. A moment of silence, Kor was slightly terrified at how long it took her to respond. He did not wait. "We both should not be without our sons at our wedding," he whispered.

"What did you do?" He was not sure whether it was a question of anger, whether he had stirred a pot that he should not have.

"They throw one hell of a bachelor party," he whispered, groaning at the pain in his chest as she pressed her elbows to his chest, another groan as she kissed his lips.


She looks over her shoulder at him repeating her question. “What did you do Korvin Pascal…”

Quiet he looks up at her and puts his hand on where her tattoo of the “K” is and smiles into her eyes. “I went there so that you would have your son back in your life. I want us to be a family; I want to know Cyrus as much as I can…that is what I did.”

She turns around and places the remote down on the ground; she slides up next to him in her place in his shoulder where she always fit perfectly. Her lips kiss gently on his shoulder in reassurance and non-verbal love a mere thank you. “Thank you for doing that. It means the galaxy to me that you are doing this. Thank you for bringing my son to me.” She softly leans up on him and kisses him deeply her eyes opening slightly to see his slightly off centered nose from where he no doubt got a hand or maybe Cyrus’ spear handle shoved into his face. “I love you.”

He grins as much as his bruised and swollen face can and kisses her back, groaning with every slight movement. “I love you too Lu, always will.”

The shop was busy women getting fitted for gowns, bridesmaids bustling and giggling over each other. In the middle of the busy room she stands. Her fingers pass over a few gowns, too fussy, too much, very few that she even looked at twice. She makes her way to the back of the store where a seamstress is hand sewing a pattern onto a piece of silk. She smiles down at the seamstress, her hands while soft harbor hard patches and calluses. “Do you make gowns, or just repair them,” Lula inquired. The seamstress smiled up at her with soft eyes and speaks with confidence, “I do it all when it comes to sewing dear. Not finding what you want for your big day?” Her eyes shift back down to her work as her fingers move like a melody constructing a beautiful symphony. Lula nods softly her fingers sliding over a half made dress across from the seamstress. “The day has taken three years, a war…we’ve been through a lot. I’m not 20 years old…I haven’t been planning this since I was a teen. It’s not who I am.” The seamstress nods and continues her work briefly looking Lula over she continues back to her work. “You need something that is not fussy…but yet elegant and full of movement like you are.” Lula grins softly and nods to her. “When do you need it by?” Lula looked at her datapad and sighed softly. “One week,” she said as she knew the answer before the words left her mouth. “Come back on Tuesday, I will have something for you,” the seamstress smiled up at her and pointed her to the fitting room. “Leave your measurements and your name. I will contact you.” Her face beamed and she almost leaned over and kissed the seamstress but did as she said and went to the room. Quickly she sent a message to Kor:

My dress will be ready on Tuesday. Get a suit. Not a swimming suit. lol….I love you.


He swallowed hard. A Suit? Shaking his head slowly as he read the text.

I thought we were doing this all nude... No worries. I will be ready.

He smirked as he sent the message, wondering if it was weird that there was no twinge of nervousness. Laying his head back on the couch, he thought through the years. It was amazing how this had all started. A moment of pure frustration, turned into a defining moment in his life. He laughed hard, the pain hurting his bruised ribs, all worth it.

"And I just wish a hot blond would walk through this door!" He was heated. How could someone as old and seasoned as Koren make such a childish error. He had walked up to the troopers in the cantina and told them they were under arrest. Korvin had sat, shaking his head as his Sergeant Major pulled this stunt. Luckily the troopers did not bite. They had disrupted the bar scene long enough to know some spacers were getting antsy with there pressence. The unmasked Ubese warrior walking up to them and putting them under arrest in the name of "freedom", was either a trap or a stunt by someone to cause the Empire to lose face by opening fire in the crowded cantina with the chance to wounding civilians. Either way the Imperials just strode out of the cantina; no Rebel in their right mind would openly say "I'm a Rebel", when facing superior firepower.

Koren started to follow them, until he was yanked by the collar from behind. "Follow me," Korvin hissed. Koren's head dropped, he knew he had gone overboard. The rage in Korvin's face was softened by the look on Koren's. The Ubese had nothing but frustration, and the human knew it. "What part of covert do you not understand?" Korvin whispered the words but they flowed like a snake hiss. The rear door to Chalum's was inbetween them, both of the doorframes on their opposite shoulders as they leaned against them.

"I'm sorry Sir," the Ubese started.

"You put everyone of us in danger, and this is not the first damn time!" Another hiss from Korvin.

The Ubese shaked his head. "I just hate this sneaking around bit."

"Then join SpecForce," Korvin whispered, "If you need direct contact everyday and are not mature enough to be a Sergeant Major of this outfit, join a SpecForce outfit."

"I am sorry Sir," Koren nodded. "It will not happen again."

"It better not Koren," Korvin hissed again. "I need you as a Sergeant Major. You are a decorated hero of the Rebellion. Not everyday is going to be a direct assault on an Imperial Garrison. Get used to it or move out."

"I just wish," there was a long pause, "I just wish we did not have to rely so much on sneaking around."

"And I just wish a hot blond would walk through this door!" There was no pause. It was as if the fates had made the moment. The door to Chalum's opened and between the Ubese and the human, a beautiful blond woman walked between them. Koren looked up at Korvin who had a look of amazement on his face. "I wish a bag full of a million credits would fall through this door!" Korvin repeated, both him and Koren looking at the door as it remained shut.

"What did you say?" The short blond woman had stopped and turned.

"I was just saying how I hoped a million credits would walk through the door," Korvin replied, he nodded to Koren who made his way out. "I'm Korvin."

"That's nice," she said, he was in love as soon as he heard her sassy retort.

Korvin opened his eyes, daydreaming was not going to solve the things he had to get done. He began to tap on the keypad of his datapad. He needed a best man, and there was no one else to ask other then Kre.


Her datapad buzzed with a new message, she laughed as she walked out the door of the shop and onto the busy street.

She rolled through her datapad as she leaned on the small outdoor sign to the flowershop sending out a few more messages, mostly just to Kay. Seems she hadn't heard from her in weeks. She was going to officiate, no one else would really do. Not only having her numa there to officiate but the closest thing she had to a sister and best friend.

The bustling from the crowded street as passers by talked about a casino and the prizes among them. She grinned widely as she thought about the night where she chose to let one man go not realizing she had gained another.

Frantic she entered the Krayt Pearl looking around the room to find Kay. She was late..again for one of their functions. She was sure that Kay would understand. Not an hour before her commlink had flashed that Desian had been back into the inner rim and not just back...he was in her casino. Anger, hurt, frustration all hit her like a wall of bricks. She wanted to slap his face, shove her hand into his nose breaking it, knee him in the croch, anything to release the pain she had. She went to the back to pour herself a glass of red wine, her own private bottle she imported and aged. Sighing softly that he was obviously not there still she closed her eyes mumbling to herself. Then she smelled it. He was inches away. She opened her eyes, the fury in them still apparent even through her ocean blue eyes.

"Des...." she spit out.

"Pelire....I'm back," he added proudly as if the ticker tape parade were about to start now that -he- was back. His bright white teeth shone through his cocky smile. His movements sly as ever as he attempted to place his hand under the back of her head. She blocked it forcing his hand back to the counter infront of himself.

"I see that. Why? Why bother? You have a new wife right? A new family? Why the frell would you need me? I've moved on. You should too." Her scathing voice full of no regret nor remorse spit at him.

"Baby, I came back for you...you know I've never wanted anyone but you." His voice pleaded, his typical silver tongue would not get him out of this mess for once. "She was a back up plan, she was a second choice when I thought I lost you."

Her nails grip the counter top as her knuckles go white. A gutteral growl emits from her lips as she stares back at him lowering her voice. "A tai'shan is for life...a j'ato is carved into my skin...I am your LIFE mate...if you thought I was dead you probably should have come to see the body. You are dead to me. You are dead to your son. He has no father. You will leave quietly the way you came in or I will have you removed.....got it?" she hissed through her teeth. Taking a breath she tipped back her glass of wine heavily.

"I'm outta here...." as he stormed out not quietly but didn't spew his normal string of profanity that usually accompanied his temper. Tipping over a few chairs as he huffed past them, shoving a few men to the side with his icy shoulders he disappeard out the doors. Little did she know that was the last time she would ever see him.

She came out from the bar and walked around the room still looking for Kay. She nodded to Brindan and Poe who were both running tables for the event thankfully. Abscentmindedly, she bumped into a large frame.

"Watch it..."she sneers at him

"Hey its you again," a smile on his face and an upbeat tone to his voice. He was glad to see her, probably intentionally there to see her, if not it was a chance meeting only the fates could have put together.

"Again?" She looked at him finally and nodded. The guy from Eisely asking the gods for credits and a hot blonde to walk thorugh the door. "Corbin...right?" She glared at him slightly annoyed as he stood there smiling at her. Without waiting for his response she huffed off growling to blow off some steam elsewhere.

As if she'd still hear him he replied "Korvin...actually."

She laughed to herself thinking why in the galaxy he would have ever have continued to persue her even after how she treated her. It was like he didn't know better. All that being said she loved it. She loved being persued and even now, as they were about to be married he continued to fight for her and persue her.

A slight jab to her ribs as a tall purple twi'lek's finger met her skin. She jumped a few feet in the air coming out of her daydream.

"Numa!" she exclaimed as they hugged each other and headed into the flower shop. She was practical yes, but there had to be flowers.

"Isn't that the one who used to call you Corbin?" There was a hearty laugh, and the table was slapped causing the drinks on it to jump into the air. Kre was holding his other hand to his chest clutching his shirt as he laughed his way through it. Korvin sat on the bench of the wooden table, both hands clutching the glass as he leaned to it. A smirk on his face as he starred ahead, shaking his head slowly. "Nah mate. I am kidding you."

"I know," Korvin looked over to his friend, it was funny to him. He hardly saw him anymore. It might have been three or four years since the last time they were together. They chatted on the comm, sent a random text message, but the timing was way to far between one another. When Korvin thought of his friend, he still saw him as the young man he had grown up with. The young man that he and his brothers Trastan and Ragnyo ran through Dearic with. They were older now. Kre had the tattoo on his face that all Zabrak's men earned. Something Korvin never got accustomed to. Kre's face like Korvin's was older, there were defined wrinkles by the edges of their eyes that looked like the feet of a peko, caused by hours of endless squinting in the hot suns of far off planets. Kre had no hair on his head, but had he grown it out like Korvin, there would probably be the salt and pepper mix going on as well.

Kre stood slowly, his glass raised, Korvin looked around slightly embarassed, but if anyone else in the bar even knew who they were or cared, they definitely were not showing it. "Seeing this is your bachelor party," there was a slight chuckle from both men "the lamest bachelor party in the history of the galaxy I might add, who has a bachelor party in the middle of no where with one other guy, no dancing girls, and no open fires to cook meat from a booze ridden hunt," both men laughed. "I need to make a toast." Korvin tightened his lips, nodding and raising his glass. "To you," Kre tipped his glass and nodded to his old friend. "To a man that aims way too high in love. Because we both know that Lula is out of your league. To a man who knows nothing but persistance in love. Because we both know that the pursuit of this love was lengthy. And to a woman who has taught you about true and unconditional love. Because we both know that you walked the fire and returned with her on your shoulder." Kre took a drink, Korvin followed, but Kre began to speak again. "Sorry, this is long winded." Both men laughed, but Kre began serious again. "Kor, I am proud of you. Lesser men would have folded. Lesser men would have used the excuse that their brothers had both been killed. That their wife had left them to make you raise a son on your own. That your fight would bring you else where. Any excuse not to fight for something as simple as love. I know you came back from the battles tired. I know that. And I know that you wanted to just quit. But you have a persiverence that makes me jealous. And your woman." There was a long pause. "Your woman is just what you deserve by your side. Cheers." Both men raised their glasses. "Though she is way too good for you." Both laughed.

"Yeah," Korvin said, looking over the glass again. "Yeah she is."

"So why aren't we having a bigger bachelor party?" Kre sat beside his old friend. For all intents and purposes, Kre was the only brother that Korvin had left. He closed his eyes and took a long hearty drink. "Tomorrow's gonna hurt. We are going to need a caf."

Korvin laughed and looked at Kre. "Caf?"

"Yeah," Kre said.

"Nah, this is goning to be a tame night."

"No," Kre said, and with a whooping yell the cantina came to life. Kre looked over his shoulder grinning, Korvin groaned as he knew the sound all to well, after dipping his head to the ale in front of him he looked over his shoulder to see his friends Carsen and Jayt'ric coming down the stairs. "We're gonna need caf."


There was something about the smell of cheap caf that made him smile, and he knew what it was. It would always be morning, the end of the work week, and it was his persistance that got him there. Who else would have the nerve to comm someone that early in the morning? But who else would have been up that early in the morning?

"Hello?" She said, her voice slightly out of breath, had he comm'd her at a bad time?

"Hey," he said "It's Corbin". He grinned as he spoke into the mouth piece.

She laughed heartily "When are you going to let that go? Your name is a bit crazy, with your nickname not even sounding like your real name."

"I think it might be the only leverage I have on you at the moment," he said, "I'm gonna use it for now. What are you up to?"

There was a pause. "Training," she answered. "Come watch, and bring me a caf."

"Bossy bossy," he said checking his chrono, "I'll be there."

Walking up the steps to the theater and balancing the two caf's in his hands proved to be an act of heroics. The loose sand before the theater had caused the caf's to spill a third of the drink, not wanting to look like an idiot he wiped his hands on his duster and poured a third into one cup to give her a full one, keeping the lesser filled one for himself. But the sight of her almost made him drop both.

The early morning suns beat down on the stage. Cooler, crisp, both of them peaking over the mountain ranges chasing off the frigid night air, knowing the outcome was going to be a scorching hot day. She stood their in a sports bra and shorts, dancing. It was unlike the dances of the women in the cantina, their arms raised over their heads, slowly moving their waists from side to side. No. This dance was different, she used the entire stage, and he did nothing but sit and watch. She gave him a smile of acknowledgement, and he nodded his response, but he was enamored by her abilities.

The muscles of her legs would contract and restrict as she jumped, knew ones would be carved out of her legs as she landed. Her stomach would tighten and become more defined as she turned. It was like watching the human body like no one else had. Finally she stopped, grabbing a towel and walking to the edge of the stage. "Is that for me?"

"Yeah," he said holding up the cup for her and taking every opportunity to look over her body. "I wasn't sure how you liked it, so, I just got it."

She laughed and took a sip. "What are you doing?"

"Oh I was no where nearby and thought I would drop in," he laughed and she did as well. He loved her laugh he decided at that moment.

"Let's go up there," she motioned to the top row of the theater, where he followed her. Afraid of heights he got over it as he sat next to her, looking over the dusty town below. "I like it up here, especially at this time when it is so quiet." He knew when to shut up, and they sat there a moment taking in the view.

"You dance beautifully," he finally said.

"Years of training," she grinned at him, her eyes sparkling as she looked over the rim of her cup, and he knew at that moment that no other man would ever see her in this light. He swallowed hard fighting his composure, for he knew something at that moment that he had feared was true as soon as he had wished for a hot blond to walk through the door of the cantina. "There is a costume party tonight," she said. "You should go."

"I will if you wear your hair pink," it was the most random of comments. He could have asked her to dress like a sexy stormtrooper, or something else. But no. "Wear your hair pink" was as creative as he got.


She looked over at Kay as the laughed in the quiet cafe long after the shops had closed. Kay shoved a small bag over to Lula. Wrapped in beautiful black ribbon, the box was about the size of a lunchbox and had odd markings on it. Lula grinned at her as she smirked behind her veil of blond bangs.

"What is this..." she laughed

Kay shrugged her shoulders and tipped back her Sunburn. "Just a little something, since this is your shower and bachlorette party...not that its a huge shindig but...I knew you didn't want all that."

Lula nodded softly and just smiled at her. She knew her. Her numa always knew her. She knew when she needed to be kicked in the ass and when she needed to be riled up and headed out on the town or when she just needed a quiet moment. She slid the beautiful ribbon off the box and opened it on the table. She gasped softly at the bright pink object inside. Her face nearly matched the contents as she scrambled to close the box back up, nearly sending her glass of red wine into her lap or the ground. Kay grabbed the box closing it back up giggling as Lula grabbed her glass to prevent the unnecessary spillage.

"You're no angel numa, " Kay replied. "No reason to give you something white and lacy and virginal...for your wedding night."

Lula stared at her mouth gaping open, her eyes wide and cheeks still flushed thinking about the contents of the box.

"You know...pink has always been my signature color...it was what Kor requested when we went to that party on Talus. Remember that?" Lula recalled

She landed on Talus in a black vynl corset and matching short shorts. Her favorite fishnet stockings and boots to match. She had almost left her bracers on the shuttle as she was adjusting her corset to the pleasure of the other onlookers from the same flight. She had always warn them, just no reason to ever get into why she had horrible markings on her forearms from unimaginable treatments that made her feel more vulnerable and broken then anything in the galaxy. Her hair...bright pink. He said pink hair was her costume but of course she couldn't just show up in a gown and pink hair. It just wasn't her. She went all nines for him.

She walked up to the entrance of the grand hall looking for him, hopefully the smell of the sands he hadn't gotten rid of so she'd be able to find him no matter what he wore. Alas she found him at the bar trying to look casual and not at all in costume. She laughed softly giving herself away as she walked up to him to the disappointment of a majority of the men in the room that thought she was there for them. She leaned moved in closely to him pressing her chest on his nearly becoming indecent right there and uttered one word, "hi." She could tell from there the pink hair was a hit and now the pink item...hidden in that black box was going to be as well.


"Sir," the voice was not as masculine as Korvin would have liked it to be and seemed to shriek from the twi'lek salesman's mouth. "If you don't stop fidgeting you will end up wearing shorts to your own wedding," now Kor really did not like the guy as he scolded him. "Do you want to wear shorts?"

A smirk crossed Korvin's face, Kre was seated in a chair the bored expression on his face gone as he silently had a laughing fit from his friends tribulations. "Actually, I would not mind." The response seemed to insult the salesman beyond words, he put three pins into his pursed lips and hemmed silently, probably trying to predict what fate be fell him if he simply pricked the client's leg with one of them.

The seabreeze from Kaadara blew into the building, the salt in the air heavy and welcome. Korvin starred out into the city, between two of the buildings, the crystal blue waters chopping and stopped fidgeting. A smile crested his face. This was their town. Their town. The words kept echoing through his mind. The cottage, that he had finally inherited, had been built two decades before by his father, two brothers and him. It was supposed to be a bonding experience for the young men. The completion their début into the construction business. The boys had essentially finished it two years earlier than expected and their father realized that he could not hold them back from the business anymore.

Allowing them to join the business early proved to be the downfall of their father's dream that they would all own and operate the company together. There was too much fight in them, they could not sit by idle while people where oppressed in their home town of Dearic. On their home planet of Talus. Korvin jumped first. Joining the local insurgency in Dearic to fight the Imperial Garrison. Barely escaping the Empire's grip on Talus, Korvin went on the run, and Trastan followed his twin brother. Both of them had joined the legitimate Rebellion in their early twenties while Ragnyo stayed home to help his father run the company. The eldest of the three, Rags would openly protest his brother's actions to their father, but both their father and Rags knew that he was lying to himself. He secretly envied their warrior lifestyle. Finally after a run in with the government as they tried to conscript Rags, he was left with no other choice, but to find his brothers.

Now Trastan and Ragnyo were dead, both at the hands of Imperial assassins. Korvin's decisions haunted him. His brothers were dead. His father's legacy that he wanted to pass on to his sons was in shambles. His mother, father and son were in hiding. The Rebellion did not want a commander bent on revenge, citing him as a loose cannon and gambling with his men’s lives. To which he countered that their orders were an unnecessary risk to his men’s lives and tactical folly's. All he had left in his life was this cottage and the woman of his dreams.

The cottage had been many things to the men of the Pascal family. To Ll'yodd, it was their foundation. Ragnyo used it as a retreat to escape with women. Trastan used it as a retreat to heal wounds. Korvin now saw it as a home. An escape from the everyday realities of the galaxy to spend it with his family. To remind them to sometimes take a step back and enjoy the view. He remembered the first time he had brought her there. Finally convincing her to come visit him after a circus of sorts, he had spent hours on the front porch, hinting that he had wanted to show her the place as he heard the vile sounds of the creatures she watched in the background of Black Sands. Not able to run to her because of a simple "ban" due to his brothers incarceration at the place, he had hinted and hinted until she finally showed up.

The cottage is on waterfront property overlooking the vast Northern Naboo Sea, less than a mile west from the town of Kaadara itself, it was a fun drive across the bay to the structure. When she pulled up for the first time he was grilling. He remembered over cooking the food because she wanted to swim and after watching her disrobe, food was a secondary consideration. The second time she visited, they actually made it inside the house, and he took her on a tour ending at the balcony that over looked the ocean. He let her rest on the balcony watching the ocean and stepped back. He already knew he loved her well before that, but him stepping back, putting her into the view of the scenery made him realize that she was the one. The third time she visited was the first time they made love. A passion overflowing as he took her on the couch downstairs. Certain she would never call on him again as his nerves got the best of him. He had over thought everything and tried to fit it in the moment. He cared for her and wanted it to be perfect, she was not the girl he had just met in the cantina that he did not care about and just wanted to satisfy an animalistic need. He tried to suppress those desires, only to have them percolate to the surface, making the moment jerky.

Korvin laughed and dipped his head. "What is it?" Cyrus asked causing him to jump then blush.

"Nothing man," Korvin smiled at the boy and tried to pat his head without being poked by a horn. Apparently the gesture was frowned upon by the young man's culture because it elicited a snarl. "You look good bud," Korvin nodded approvingly at the young man's suit.

"I feel like a turd biscuit," Cyrus said, adjusting the suit with secret admiration of how good he looked. Kre laughed, standing to help the younger Zabrak, knowing that he probably thought of Kre as an outsider or someone who fell from Zabrak grace, but not caring an iota.

"You look good and you will make your Mom proud," Korvin said.

"How long do I have to wear this for?" Cyrus said, now satisfied with how he felt in it, but continuing the facade of disdain.

"Two hours, maybe three max," Korvin replied as he paid the salesman for the three suits. "We got the ceremony which will last half hour at the most. Some food. Cake!" Korvin paused as if that might entice a young man, realizing he was talking to a kid who runs through the plains hunting wild animals bigger they an XWing and fights with people for the heck of it. "A couple of speeches, and then the grown ups will dance. You can loosen up when we start dancing. Maybe go for a swim."

Cyrus looked up, laughing a bit. "I can dance," he said, and broke into a traditional dance that Kor knew nothing about, but sent Kre to the ground in tears as it obviously translated humorously into Zabrak.

"Do that in front of your Mom," Kre finally said, "she might get it." Korvin looked to Kre quizzically wondering what it meant and Kre just shrugged.

"And when is this?" Cyrus asked, as if the entire event was a crimp in his social schedule.

"Tomorrow," Korvin replied.

"When can I see my Mom?"

"Now," Korvin said, and the smile on Cyrus's face was priceless.


She waited inside the house with Kay waiting for the boys to arrive. Time seemed to drag on for hours until she heard the bustle and loud voices knowing they were there. She shoved Kay slightly "Go get Cyrus..."

"Okay okay..." Kay grinned as she headed out to bring him upstairs.

Moments later a tap at the door and small horns poking through the door crack appeared. Her heart nearly stopped.

"Mom", the voice spoke

"Cyrus..." her arms opened wide for him as his face nearly split in half smiling. It took everything inside of her not to cry all her make up off as she held her son in her arms. Her healthy grown son.

"Mom...you're gonna mess me up. Korvin took a while to get me all looking nice. He's....a good man....for a human of course." He grinned up at his mother.

"Vi..he is," she beamed back at him wiping under her eyes so that the makeup wouldn't run onto her dress.

"Alright tell the boys to head out to the beach, Miss Kay will meet you down there and I will come out when you are all lined up. Okay?" she instructed

"Vi...see you soon Mom" he smiled as he ran out the door. She could hear his footsteps as he ran down the hallway and stampeeded down the stairwell telling the men that it was time and that everyone needed to take their place.

A deep breath as she headed out of the room onto the balcony that overlooked the ocean. The warm sea breeze washed over her face as she closed her eyes. The wind always told her where to go, when the sands shifted so did she. There was no more need to move as the sands did. There was no reason to fear the change in the wind as it would take her somewhere else. The wind would always change, the sands would shift, but she and Korvin would remain a rock to each other.

She opened her eyes and saw him looking up at her. He knew better then to see the bride before the processional but he knew she'd be up there taking in the view. She smiled down and blew a kiss and headed into the house. The house was so quiet, her footsteps echoed as she walked down the staircase to the main room. She grinned to herself at her new home. She was home, it had been a long and winding road but she was there.

The sun was nearly setting as she stepped foot onto the pier that Kor had built for the ceremony. All her favorite flowers lining the entrance for her to walk down. The breeze caught her dress as she walked making her look nearly angelic. She caught his eyes and bit her bottom lip as she made her way down the aisle.

There is an emotion that a soldier does not know how to deal with. He can deal with anger, because it can be channeled back to his enemy through the use of force. He can deal with sorrow, because to dwell on it causes him to lose focus on the mission in front of him. It is the emotion of joy that the soldier does not know how to react too. Korvin was no exception. He had known joy as a child, protected by his parents. He had known joy the first time he held his son. Now as the woman of his dreams walked towards him, he reacted the same way that he that he had when he had held his son. Tears streamed down his cheeks. Instinctively he wiped his eyes, but more rivers formed, instead of ducking his head in shame, he held it high. There was a certain pride he felt in this reaction.

“There is nothing wrong with crying,” his father had told him more than one time in his life. He remembered the first time after the loss of a smashball game. He remembered when he was a young officer in the Pathfinders, giving away his first platoon. “Sir, if you cry during your speech, it’s only because you loved us and put your heart into your service.” That was what the sergeant had told him. He remembered when he held Nathan. He cried as he held the bodies of Trastan and Ragnyo.

The way the sun lit her skin, turned it golden on her arms as begrudgingly set behind her. The way her hair curled at the tips in her infamous “Lula-do”. The way her smile crested her lips as she slowly took her steps to him. The way her eyes watched him. People who say that there should be no nerves on wedding days don’t know what they are talking about, because as he watched her, the nerves in his stomach swirled. Not about getting married, but about taking care of her, hoping he would never ever let her down. At that moment though, he pushed past all of those emotions as he realized one thing. No one else would ever see her like this. Not even the people in the audience. They did not have his angle. They were not standing where he was. And that fact made him tear up as he realized the truth once again. “A lover sees their lover like no one else ever will.”

Korvin was oblivious to everything else around him. He missed Carsen, grinning so wide that his golden tooth showed. He missed Jayt’ric swaying, wishing he had experienced this moment. He missed Kre, his oldest and dearest friend, filled with pride standing next to Korvin, the pain that Korvin’s brothers Trastan and Ragnyo were not present diminished between all of them.

Cyrus walked next to his mother slowly, he guided her down the path, still too young to understand that this was not all about him. He smiled and nodded to Korvin, who returned the nod, knowing he was being judged by the young warrior for his tears. As Cyrus offered Korvin her hand, he did a very grown up thing, patting the top of his hand before moving to stand beside Kre. Korvin starred into Lula’s eyes and it felt like an eternity before Kay spoke.

“You two ready to do this?”


Her stomach was turning over on itself. Her gaze kept ahead as she looked at him. The planet could have caved in around them and she wouldn't have known. The only thing keeping her from falling over was her son. She glanced down at him proud at the young man he was becoming, his silly grin she had come to know and love over the comm unit had grown into a reserved smile. Seeing her own eyes staring back at her she grinned and kissed the side of his face at his temple.

She had performed infront of thousands all her life. She was a skilled assassin working over marks and getting the information she needed with little to no issues. And yet here heart beat hard in her chest it ached to be by his side. She had been apart for him for nights at a time. Giving him his space to be with his friends she opted to stay in Dantooine at her place at night with Kay by her side. Her side....she glanced over to her side. Of all the friends she had, she opted to call none of them. She had Kay, her numa..she had her son...and she had Kor. That was all she needed.

One foot infront of the other she walked up to him and finally she saw it on his face. He was crying. Among all the manliest men he knew he was crying. She had hardened her heart over the years as most would in circumstances that she had been through. Her mother, the most important person to her, died when she was 12. Shortly after she was pressured into being an assassin or losing her life. Then the flash bang of jobs, people cycling in and out of her life. Her father murdered infront of her as a 'favor'. A husband that was never really there for her, having a son...alone, being abandoned on a planet unknown to her and dying, all of these things she held high weathered through and pushed along. She did not fear what was to come or what had been she just...was. She had the three people in the galaxy that meant the most to her here.

She watched Kor and Cyrus exchange smiles and a hand shake as they passed her off to Kor’s strong grasp. He looked at her like he had the first time they met. She heard Kay talk but wasn’t sure of the words. She moved her hand to his cheek wiping the wetness from his skin and nodded to Kay assuming what she had just said.

The rest of the ceremony went quickly or so it seemed. Kay’s words poured from her lips as if they were beautiful lyrics. She couldn’t help but continue to squeeze his arm as he held her like the rock he was for her. She kept to herself reminding her body to breathe and hold in how she wanted to scream from the mountains how in love she was.

“I do…”her voice quiet but strong. She looked into his eyes as his mouth formed the same words. He leaned forward after hearing the words “you may now kiss the bride” and kissed her.

Time seemed to stand still, if only for a moment, the only clue that it continued was the rolling waves. Cyrus thought he might have to prod Korvin to finish the deal. Korvin just stood there starring at her, leaning forward and quickly kissing her lips, a jovial and mischievous look on his face before he leaned forward and stole a much longer kiss, filled with all of the passion he felt for the woman. His heart erupted again, but he controlled the joy. It felt like every other time his lips had met hers, which always felt like the first time.

Cyrus let out a cheer, and Korvin’s friends followed clapping loudly. Finally as the kiss broke, a grinning Kay hugged them both tightly to her chest from the higher ground, squeezing them tightly in her arms. It became a dogpile with Cyrus wrapping his arms around Korvin and Lula. The men stood behind and clapped hard, hooting cheers and whistling. Kay kissed Lula’s forehead endearingly, squeezing Korvin’s shoulder. “About time you two!” Kay then leaned down scooping Cyrus up.

Korvin starred into Lula’s eyes, there was a grin on his face from ear to ear, and it mirrored her own reaction. “Remember when we had that conversation?” Lula said, motioning the porch infront of the house. “Right over there, about how I was probably not going to ever get married again. How I had to find the right guy and it probably did not exist?”

Korvin’s lips twitched in a smirk, nodding slowly to her. “Did you find that guy?”

“You knew then that this would happen,” she laughed, both hands in his as she squeezed them tightly. “Didn’t you?”

Korvin smiled, not answering immediately. He just marveled in her beauty, again no other person would ever see her like this. “I knew it the second I met you. And I knew that I would need to work for it.”

“And you did?”

“For every moment I have known you,” he replied, cocky in tone, but his earlier emotions a testament to his feelings for her. She slowly nodded, gazing up at him with wonderment and love.

“And what are you going to do for an encore?” She grinned up at him.

He laughed softly, starring back into her eyes. “You have –no- idea what is in store for you on this honeymoon.”


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