Chapter 13 Easing the Soul

Posted by Beth - -

Her long manicured fingers flipped through holo disk after holo disk, her hands shaking slightly looking for the right one. Frustrated she growls loudly and throws a shoe from her bed across the room nearly missing her jax. Her fingers drug slowly through her seemingly natural blonde locks.

"You'd think I would have marked I could find it again", she mumbled to herself.

Finally the screen came up, static at first, then a blurry picture of a girl with long brown hair staring in to the holovid feed, arms tied around her back and on her knees. A man with a long blonde ponytail comes into the screen and takes a shot point blank at her head. The limp body falls to the ground. A distorted male voice signs off with his empire bounty hunter ID and name saying he'll be in for the collecting in the morning.

"Finally," she screamed out. Her voice echoed off the walls of her house that was too large for just her anymore.

She marked the holo disk with a red X and slipped it inside a small fire proof safe lying beside her. Seeing a pile across her bed she grabs another hand full, this time her hand more steady. Her eyes opened widely as a close up of a toothy grin appeared on the screen. A deep laughter and a quick pan over to a grassy spot where a toddler is cooing comes into focus. Her hands start to shake as tears flood her eyes.

“Cyrus”, she whispers.

The vid plays out with a large male Zabrak playing with a small horned toddler among the long lush grasses and wildflowers on a beautiful Naboo afternoon. Her fingers run across the screen as his face appears a roaring laughter as the toddler crawls across his body. Within a split second her thoughts of reminiscence and joy turn to anger.

“Why did he have to mess with you…so young and innocent? You deserved your childhood Cyrus. No…he had to have a son to go through the Sele’oren with…he had to have someone to hunt with. It was always about him. Leaving for months at a time, I didn’t even want a baby. He made me have the experimental surgery to conceive. It was always…him,” she spoke quietly in almost a chant.

Half motivated by the anger inside her for him and half out of love for her son, she held onto the disk and put a large red “C” on the disk. Knowing she would want to see her son, the way he was meant to be again.

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