Part 1: Deeper she falls

Posted by Beth - -

It had been so simple in the past. Almost like clockwork the way she had formulated her ways. Receive information about mark, find the mark, flirt with mark, gain inside information, delete mark or vanish without a trace. She was much better at just vanishing than actually taking lives.

Something that even though she has been trained by the very best, never thought she would ever have to pull her weapon for the sake of her work. Her handler had left her in the Fallen Star cantina three months ago with a gun and 2,000 credits; the rest was up to her. She would be contacted if they needed her but other than that she was not to contact them. The problem was that she had taken longer than the allotted time to complete her mission. She had not heard from the handler in a month, she did not know whether she would be deleted for failing to complete her mission or if they had simply forgotten about her. No, they never forget anything.

Dancing was the perfect cover for her. Every person that came through the town walked into the cantina for one reason or another. After a couple of drinks in their systems and they start telling you things from the bottom of their souls. All you have to do is listen. They will do the rest. She always remembered hearing that from her aunt who raised her.

Some may say it wasn’t right that she grew up in a cantina around sex, drinking, gambling, fighting and other social maladies, but she didn’t care. When the only guardian you have is off with a “client”, you find trouble, or trouble finds you. At 17 she no longer needed to be watched after so she left one night not to return to her aunt’s side. Alone to some, but freedom to her is what she felt. It was just a matter of time before someone stumbled upon her. She befriended a spice fiend named Zettle who gave her a roof over her head and food to eat in exchange for selling spice. When you are too close to fire, you are bound to get burned. Becoming a hard user of spice herself she had robbed people, businesses, anything to get more money for not only herself but also Zettle. Until one day, it got so black, she couldn’t tell if it was night or her eyes were closed. When she woke, she found herself in a room with nothing but a small window. That was when she was given her mission.

When she was chosen she thought that it was the perfect marriage of whom she was and what she knew she could do. Deep down, she knew that she was good at getting most men to reveal themselves to her. It was when she couldn’t get them to reveal themselves, when she becomes lost within a mission that she can’t figure out how to dive deeper. It becomes something that she actively seeks without consequence.

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